Interesse an einem Studium?


ETN-Code: WIWI025

Titel der Veranstaltung: Wettbewerbspolitik in der EU


Art der Lehrveranstaltung: Vorlesung

Kreditpunkte: 3

Semester: SoSe 2022/23

Turnus: gemäß Curricula

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Kursverantwortliche/r: Dötsch Jörg Jasper [1201200041]

Dozent/in: Berezvai Zombor [1202200132]

Organisationseinheit: Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspolitik

Ziele und Inhalt des Kurses: The course aims to provide an introduction to EU competition law and the related economic analyses. The first part of the course focuses on coordinative behaviors (collusions, horizontal and vertical agreements), the second part is focusing on unilateral conducts (abuse of dominance), while the third part of the course is about merger reviews. Along with the theoretical considerations, empirical methods and several case studies will be presented. The course terminates with two interactive debates where students have to argue pro and contra of a decision made by the European Commission.

Thema der einzelnen Lehreinheiten:

Termin Thema Literatur
1 Introduction to competition policy

Simon Bishop, Mike Walker (2009): The Economics of EC Competition Law: Concepts, Application and Measurement. 3rd ed, Sweet & Maxwell. Chapter 1 and 2.

Peter Singer (2016): Ethics in the Real World. Princeton.

2 Market definition in competition policy Simon Bishop, Mike Walker (2009): The Economics of EC Competition Law: Concepts, Application and Measurement. 3rd ed, Sweet & Maxwell. Chapter 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 16.
3 Cartels and horizontal agreements Simon Bishop, Mike Walker (2009): The Economics of EC Competition Law: Concepts, Application and Measurement. 3rd ed, Sweet & Maxwell. Chapter 5.
4 Vertical agreements Simon Bishop, Mike Walker (2009): The Economics of EC Competition Law: Concepts, Application and Measurement. 3rd ed, Sweet & Maxwell. Chapter 5.
5 Abuse of dominance I: Assessment of dominance and exploitative abuses Simon Bishop, Mike Walker (2009): The Economics of EC Competition Law: Concepts, Application and Measurement. 3rd ed, Sweet & Maxwell. Chapter 6.
6 Abuse of dominance II: Exclusionary abuses Simon Bishop, Mike Walker (2009): The Economics of EC Competition Law: Concepts, Application and Measurement. 3rd ed, Sweet & Maxwell. Chapter 6.
7 Case study: AT.37990 Intel  
8 Eastern break  
9 Eastern Monday  
10 Horizontal mergers Simon Bishop, Mike Walker (2009): The Economics of EC Competition Law: Concepts, Application and Measurement. 3rd ed, Sweet & Maxwell. Chapter 7 and 14.
11 Case study: M.4980 ABF | GBI BUSINESS  
12 Labor Day  
13 Vertical and conglomerate mergers Simon Bishop, Mike Walker (2009): The Economics of EC Competition Law: Concepts, Application and Measurement. 3rd ed, Sweet & Maxwell. Chapter 8.
14 Court debate I: AT.37792 MICROSOFT  
15 Court debate II: AT.40099 Google Android  

Empfohlene Literatur (für die Gesamtveranstaltung):

Massimo Motta (2004): Competition Policy. Theory and Practice. Cambridge.

Competition and Regulation yearbooks:

Peter Singer (2009): Animal Liberation. Harper Perennial Modern Classics.

Sprache der Lehrveranstaltung: Englisch (eng)

Notenskala: praktische Note (fünfstufig)

Form und Umfang der Leistungskontrolle:

The assessment will be based on three elements:

  1. Individual presentation (30%): every student has to hold a cca. 10-minute-long presentation about a topic selected from a pre-defined list shared on the first class
  2. Written tests (30%): there will be two short written tests during the semester (dates will not be shared before)
  3. Debate participation (40%): the last two classes will be organized as court debates about two landmark competition cases. Groups of student (2-3 member/group) should prepare and present the arguments of the company under investigation or the competition authority

Prüfungsanmeldung: über das elektronische Studienverwaltungssystem
