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ETN-Code: DSIP017

Titel der Veranstaltung: Fachseminar Politikwissenschaft - Quo Vadis, Europeanization? Perspectives on Post-Conflict Transformation and European Integration in the Western Balkans


Art der Lehrveranstaltung: Seminar

Kreditpunkte: 6

Semester: SoSe 2022/23

Turnus: gemäß Curricula

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Kursverantwortliche/r: Griessler Christina Eva [1201200055]

Dozent/in: Laura Kromják [1202000038]

Organisationseinheit: Doktorschule

Ziele und Inhalt des Kurses: 1.) Enhance the analytical knowledge base needed for a critical and proactive articulation of the process of Europeanization. 2.) Facilitate an interdisciplinary approach that brings together political, economic and international aspects of the issues covered. 3.) Make students familiar with theoretical approaches, trends, and also to help them put current developments in global perspective.

Thema der einzelnen Lehreinheiten:

In contrast to peaceful transformations in their Central and East European post-communist neighbors, the 1990’s Western Balkans were dominated by violent conflicts and delayed transitions. At the turn of the 2000’s, the Europeanization of the region – denoting the implementation of liberal political and economic reforms and the adoption of the acquis communautaire through accession conditionality – has emerged to be the best safeguard against a renewed outbreak of wars. Whilst the 2013 accession of Croatia was a validation of the process of Europeanization, its success and capacities to transform candidates and potential candidates, for whom there is no foreseeable accession date in sight, remains a critical question. The course is designed to bring a broad synthesis of sources to bear on the understanding of the following topics:

  • The transformative power of the EU against challenging domestic factors in the Western Balkans.
  • The ability of the EU to act as a conflict resolution actor; EU’s mechanisms of impact over conflicts and contribute to (or jeopardize) sustainable peace.
  • How and why Europeanization processes have interacted with and have conditioned memory politics in the region.
  • Parallel to top-down and institutional interventions, the extent to which the Europeanization process is performed through socially-progressive and encoded events that seek to translate what Europeanness should mean to aspirant countries.
  • Non-Western emerging economies and their FDI positions increasingly influence the Europeanization processes of the Western Balkans states.

Although case studies will play an important role in this course, the caseloads pertain to contextual grasp of Europeanization in the region. To this end, students will become attuned to the comparative analysis of the countries of the post-conflict Western Balkan.  






Towards Understanding Europeanization: An Introduction

Elbasani, A. (2013). Europeanization Travels to the Western Balkans: Enlargement Strategy, Domestic Obstacles and Diverging Reforms. In A., Elbasani (Ed.), European Integration and Transformation in the Western Balkans: Europeanization or Business as Usual? London: Routledge. pp. 3-15.


The EU’s Approach to Conflict Resolution: Conflict Transformation or Conflict Regulation?

Cooley, L. (2019). “Kosovo: Establishing a ‘Multi-Ethnic Society’?” (Chapter 4) and “Rethinking the EU’s Approach to Conflict Resolution” (Chapter 5). The European Union’s Approach to Conflict Resolution: Transformation or Regulation in the Western Balkans? London: Routledge. pp. 128-161.; 164-175


Europeanizing Memory Politics

Miloševic, A., & Trošt, T. (2021). Introduction. In A., Miloševic, and T., Trošt (Eds.), Europeanisation and Memory Politics in the Western Balkans. London: Palgrave. pp. 1-21.

Cateux, A. (2021). European Union Guidelines to Reconciliation in Mostar: How to Remember? What to Forget? In A., Miloševic, and T. Trošt (Eds.), Europeanization and Memory Politics in the Western Balkans. London: Palgrave. pp. 75-92.


Europeanization in the Everyday Statebuilding

Musliu, V. (2021). “Europeanization as Statebuilding. Statebuilding as Europeanization. Everyday Performative Acts in the Western Balkans” (Chapter 1) and "’Tirana will not be Calcutta’: European Activities and Aesthetics in Tirana” (Chapter 6). Europeanization and Statebuilding as Everyday Practices Performing Europe in the Western Balkans. London: Routledge. pp. 1-14.; 106-118.


Europeanization amidst Geopolitical Competition

Bieber, F., & Tzifakis, N. (2020): Introduction: The Influence of External Actors in the Western Balkans. In F., Bieber, and N. Tzifakis (Eds.), The Western Balkans in the World: Linkages and Relations with Non-Western Countries. London: Routledge. pp. 1-10.

Đorđević, V., Turcsányi, R., & Vuckovic, V. (2021): Beyond the EU as the 'Only Game in Town': the Europeanisation of the Western Balkans and the role of China. Eastern Journal of European Studies, Vol. 12, No. 2., pp. 21-40.


The Western Balkans as a Test Case for Europeanization: Conclusions


Bieber, F. (2019). Rethinking Europeanisation. In J., Džankić, S., Keil, and M., Kmezić (Eds.), The Europeanisation of the Western Balkans A Failure of EU Conditionality? London: Palgrave. pp. 237-245.


Empfohlene Literatur (für die Gesamtveranstaltung):

Sprache der Lehrveranstaltung: Englisch (eng)

Notenskala: praktische Note (fünfstufig)

Form und Umfang der Leistungskontrolle:

1.) Active Participation;

2.) As in preparation for the seminar, students are required to write a two-page long analytical paper OR do a 10-15 minute-long PPT-presentation in class on one of the readings in course schedule. In the analytical paper or PPT-presentation: i) identify the main argument(s) for that reading; ii.) provide your brief analytical assessment of the content and argument(s); iii) note global implications of the theme and connect the argument(s) and/or the evidence provided for the argument(s) to any other cases you deem related or relevant; iv) conclude with a 1-2 points of take-away message that proved esp. interesting for you.

Students are kindly asked to e-mail their topic of choice until April 24, 2023 and the PPT or analytical paper itself until May 8, 2023 at    

3.) Students are kindly asked to write a seminar paper (ca. 2,500 words, APA Style, double spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman, word count does not include bibliography). In the paper analyze a particular theme, problem or comparative case study related to our course content and that you want to explore in a deep and systematic way. Submission deadline: July 7, 2023. Additional details, including further supporting readings, will be forthcoming in class.

Prüfungsanmeldung: über das elektronische Studienverwaltungssystem
