Interesse an einem Studium?


ETN-Code: POWI048

Titel der Veranstaltung: Integrationsseminar: Global Governance


Art der Lehrveranstaltung: Seminar

Kreditpunkte: 6

Semester: WiSe 2024/25

Turnus: gemäß Curricula

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Kursverantwortliche/r: Pállinger Zoltán Tibor [1201200050]

Dozent/in: Hettyey András Örs [1201200045]

Organisationseinheit: Lehrstuhl für politische Theorie und europäische Demokratieforschung

Ziele und Inhalt des Kurses: In the process of globalisation interactions between states have increased substantially and made them more interdependent. The scope of political decisions and political accountability on the one hand and their economical and ecological impacts on the other hand diverge increasingly. Global problems and challenges can only be dealt with, if old state- or economy-centred solutions are overcome by more complex strategies, which rely on the cooperative endeavours of local, national, regional and global actors. The role of sovereign nation states is changing. Hierarchical, authoritative decision-making is partially replaced (or at least supplemented) by more cooperative modes of interaction. International organisations, non-governmental organisations and private actors become seemingly more and more important in this process, without replacing the state altogether. After the presentation of the fundamental terms and theoretical concepts this course will focus on case studies. The main aim of these case studies is to analyse complex global problems from an interdisciplinary perspective and to develop adequate and feasible solutions. Students will learn to apply their theoretical and methodological instruments to concrete (“real life”) problems. Based on their analysis they will develop solutions which take into account exigencies of multi-level governance and take into account interdisciplinary aspects. Furthermore, they will be able to assess the opportunities and risks of the proposed solutions. Aims of the course: The students • know the basic concepts of hierarchical and non-hierarchical governance; • know the basic theories of International Relations and international trade; • are able to define globalisation scientifically and to describe its practical implications; • are able to analyse the major challenges in global governance; • they are able to develop adequate solutions for the major challenges in global governance.

Thema der einzelnen Lehreinheiten:

Wird im ersten Seminar besprochen.


Empfohlene Literatur (für die Gesamtveranstaltung):

Einführung: Thomas G. Weiss - Rorden Wilkinson (Hrsg.) (2022). Global Governance Futures. Routledge. 


John Baylis - Steve Smith - Patricia Owens (Hrsg.) (2014). The Globalization of World Politics. Oxford University Press.

Sprache der Lehrveranstaltung: Deutsch (ger)

Notenskala: Prüfung (fünfstufig)

Form und Umfang der Leistungskontrolle:

Group seminar paper and group presentation:

Prüfungsanmeldung: über das elektronische Studienverwaltungssystem
