Interesse an einem Studium?


ETN-Code: DSID052

Titel der Veranstaltung: Fortgeschrittenenkurs in internationalen Verhandlungen - Verhandlungsmethode, Macht, Strategien und Taktiken (ECOnet)


Art der Lehrveranstaltung: Seminar

Kreditpunkte: 6

Semester: WiSe 2024/25

Turnus: gemäß Curricula

Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Kursverantwortliche/r: Papaschinopoulou Maria [1202000002]

Dozent/in: Papaschinopoulou Maria [1202000002]

Organisationseinheit: Doktorschule

Ziele und Inhalt des Kurses: COURSE DESCRIPTION Negotiations conducted by governments, companies and individuals in the context of international business are increasingly important in today's global environment. This advanced seminar builds on basic negotiation knowledge and skills and explores fundamental concepts such as negotiating power, method, strategies and tactics. At the heart of the seminar is a 'real-life' case study, which allows participants to seamlessly put theory into practice and improve their own negotiation skills through individual research, group work, a simulation and individual recommendations for personal development. CONTENT 1) Warm-up: Tour de table, scope, objectives, profiling exercise 2) Introduction to the basic concepts of power, method, strategies and tactics in negotiation 3) Putting negotiation theory into practice The M/V Aqua Marina case - Facts, material and role distribution - Practical steps to prepare for negotiation - WHAT? Defining success - WHO? Understanding the parties - HOW? Apply power, method, strategy and tactics - At the negotiating table: Individual research and group simulation - Follow through: Trust but verify 4) Wrap-up: Group evaluation and personal development recommendations OBJECTIVES - Practice the practical steps to prepare for negotiations - Understand the impact of power, method, strategies and tactics in negotiations - Explore and develop your own personal negotiation style in a real case study

Thema der einzelnen Lehreinheiten:


Thema & Literatur



 Harvard Management Essentials (2003): Negotiation, Boston


 Stone, D., Patton, B., & Heen, S. (1999): Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most. Penguin Books Ltd.


Lum, G. (2004): The Negotiation Fieldbook: Simple Strategies To Help You Negotiate Everything. McGraw Hill.


Reardon, K. (2004): The Skilled Negotiator: Mastering the Language of Engagement. Wiley.


Hay, S., McCarthy, A., & Rdc, J. H. a. F. (2015): Advanced Negotiation Techniques. Apress.


Papachristou, H. (2023) ‘Not your average troubleshooter’: Greek mediators deploy corporate diplomacy to crack maritime disputes. TradeWinds. Accessed at:

Empfohlene Literatur (für die Gesamtveranstaltung):

Sprache der Lehrveranstaltung: Englisch (eng)

Notenskala: praktische Note (fünfstufig)

Form und Umfang der Leistungskontrolle:


Prüfungsanmeldung: über das elektronische Studienverwaltungssystem

